
Are you a customer, or do you sell products or services to customers? Chances are you are both and should be listed in, and use the Outknown Community Connections App. Connect with customers in your town, and parish looking for your products and services, and with professionals and business like yourself looking to develop the industry. Through collaboration and a planned direction within trade communities, and sales opportunities for all, we aim to increase the standard of living of our users.

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Project Details

Project Story

App Features:
1. See results in categories by town, or search the country and sort by town.
2. All listings come with a one minute video, photo album, all contact and social media info.
3. The app is built for searching. There are much more places in the app than Jamaica Yellow Pages, you can quickly start a search; to find a business or person in trade.
4. Listings are open to not only registered business, but also to professionals & individuals with skills for trade.
5. RSVP for listed events and our events for industries to build knowledge infrastructure and development.
6. Its one introductory price for all businesses now, less than 15% cost of the average Jamaica Yellow Pages listing.
7. Smaller sized app, with no stress on phone memory and graphics processing unit.
8. The app, OutKnown App, is also easier to use, and more convenient on the things that matter, such as quickly getting to a previously seen listing.
9. It’s Membership into a Community